Sunday, January 29, 2006


Dave of CCCP (damn commie) has accepted my declaration of war and hostilities will commence shortly. I am advising all visitors to Dave's blog to return home untill such time as it is safe again. I will be beginning with a "Shock and Awe" attack that should destroy much of the support he has.

How do you the blogging community get involved in this battle for YOUR leadership? Simple, on the right is an olive green box with two choices. If you wish to fight for my side, click on "Attack Dave-CCCP" if you wish to vote for that cowardly puppy beater Dave click on "Attack Pilot-Pilot's World".

Dave made his first attack appealing to the nerds and Star Wars geeks out there. What he never counted on was the AWESOME POWER OF BOOTSY!

Now really what kind of heartless person could attack such a face? DESTROY ALL DAVIDIANS!


  1. Anonymous9:27 pm

    I didn't know Dave was a puppy beater. Jeremy sure knows everything. You two should take this battle where it belongs, on my page, under battle rap. WORD!!

  2. OMG! I can't decide...

    One is my brother

    But the other...well one of my friends has a crush on him...but I'm not saying who.
