Monday, January 30, 2006

Clearing up some confusion

So, it seems I was a bit unclear with how to play this little battle out. Each "vote" that you make to the right counts as a casualty to that persons army.

So when I vote for Dave, I am killing one of his brave, but completely brainwashed soldiers. This way we can tell who has the most casualties... but perhaps not who's winning (see War in Iraq).

I tried to clarify the form a bit.

Congrats to Shanna for winning Andrew's Contest! I was trying, but completely unsucessful in that contest. If it had been a contest of wits, I would have won hands down.

I'd also like to make a mention of a blog I found through the Sask Blog Aggregator. It's called Arco-lo-gist and is by a nice young lady named Laura. She talks about self-sufficiency and alternative fuel sources. This has been a topic of much discussion among a few of my friends of late, so I started a dialogue with her about it. Jeff and anyone else interested should go check out her page.


  1. Anonymous3:32 am

    My bad!! My bad!! Should read before I vote

  2. It will be hosted on bothonce Dave gets his lazy Nazi ass in gear and posts the code.
