Thursday, January 12, 2006

Uh Oh!

Oh like I didn't see this coming. I'm switching parties.

So our riding actually got a green party candidate, Matthew Smith. Apparantly at this weeks all-candidate meeting in town, he was by far the better spoken of all the candidates present.

In addition my "beloved" NDP chose a worthless pothead, who's previous political experience is getting 6 votes in a race for Mayor of Estevan. Apparantly he was actually NODDING OFF during the debate. An unprofessional look and a complete lack of knowledge on his parties platforms make him an obvious no-choice. I like the NDP, but this guy can't represent my riding in parliament.

It's funny how many people I talk to are going Green. I've voted Green historically, and I'm finding that more and more people are jumping on the band wagon. It won't be long before the Greens are given that spot in the national debates.

Oh and I agree with Shanna, Western Canada needs more BQ representatives.


  1. I really don't care who is our leader, all I know is that we have to get someone other than the Liberals and the Conservatives. From where I sit, our best chance is the NDP, however small it is right now. But I also agree with you. I do not want this MIchael Haukness or whatever, representing me. I'm thinking of going green too.

  2. Also, your green party link on the side doesn't work cause you put the .ca twice.

  3. green party kicks ass

  4. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Kudos for choosing to go Green. I'm honestly still torn between Green and NDP currently. The roommates met the NDP candidate and gave him a good review. We have a sign in the window. But I could easily swing Green. It's the same candidate I've voted for in the past, and though I haven't seen him, I like his record. Anyhoo, do whatever you can to keep those fascists out.

  5. Anonymous7:43 pm

    ...and by fascists I mean Stephen Harper and his band of Americans in disguise.

  6. I still can't believe you're voting Green. But ok...go for it.

    I don't support the Green party, but unlike many, I don't believe that a vote for them is a vote thrown away. If you're stuck between NDP and Green, I'd vote Green. It gives them some funding and yes, will ensure that seat in the Debates.

    I think you all know how I'm voting for...but I'm not saying here. I'll write a post about it when I get the time.

  7. I'm surprized at the change. After all you Joined the NDP party. I am all for the green party platform I understand the need for environmental protection I just don't feel their goals are realistic for a global society.

    Personally I would like to see a BQ candidate outside of Quebec.
