Friday, January 13, 2006


OK so I'm finding a few predominant trends. One, people ignore my blog unless I talk about politics. Two people really don't read what I write.

Ok, I'm kidding. But not totally.

I'd like to explain my switches a little more. Firstly the reason I went to NDP. My riding is notoriously conservative in Federal politics. We're always pretty fond of saying we're the most conservative corner of the most conservative province in the country. As a result historically we never even had a Green Party candidate. I wanted to get fully behind a "small L" liberal party and with little other choice, I threw my support behind the NDP. Thus my application for the NDP. (Incidentally, they had to resend me a form, and I never sent the cheque off, so he he... I never realy became a member).

Then I saw who the NDP had "selected" for their representative in this riding. Now I realise he was chosen by default.. but CHRIST... this guy...

Now I'm all for long-haired, pot smoking hippies, hell most of my friends are, and I'm working on the long haired part for myself. But I want to know that my candidate is going to be able to speak for me in the house. This guy was falling asleep at the debate! The NDP has a great party and a good leader, but if it means having this guy represent me, I'll pass. Sorry Mike Haukness, I'm gonna sit this one out.

Now let's take a look at Green Party candidate, Matthew Smith. Now this is the kind of guy you'd like to take home to your parents!

At the debates in Weyburn and Estevan he rocked the house. He knew his stuff, was well spoken and ... drumroll please ... he stayed awake for the whole thing!

Now I know, the Green Party is very commited to environmental reform, but so is the NDP. And those who think that the Green Party is a one issue party hasn't read their platform lately. Concerns about privacy, government reform, healthcare, fiscal responsibility, equality issues (aboriginals, women, minorities, Quebec), are all prominently featured in their platform.

Basically though, I'm voting for my riding, not for the party. I never was a fan of party politics and if I'm gonna vote for the man who can represent me best, I feel it's Matthew Smith.

In conclusion. Vote Bloq!


  1. I wish I was a hippie.

  2. I totally agree that that chick is an American and thus it confuses me that she has an opinion on what I said.

    Ah well.

  3. Voting by party line is the only way to go. Face it...Canada has probably the strictest party line in the world. I can't think of another country where MPs are forced to follow party line more than Canada.

    So, if they're going to vote along party lines, well then, I'm voting for the party who'll do what I want.

  4. Anonymous3:03 am

    Vote for ralph wiggum, No seriously good issue discussed, and voting for the man is good but remeber the party keeps him in line and depending on the party, he has to agree with what the party says, now I know that if your a liberal party memeber and the liberals wanna do something, you HAVE to go along with it. I also know that the conservative party doesn't do that, their leaders don't have to vote on what their party says. Not sure about any of the other parties tho but keep it in mind, sum it all up vote for RALPH
