Sunday, January 22, 2006

Go On Head : CLEAR UP!

Well kids, I'm back. The following is a list of apologies:

1 - Dave, sorry I didn't hit you up for lunch on Sat. I tried to call you, but I had forgotten your number and 411 gave me some oriental guy. Also I'm sorry for helping to pay the bill you ran out on at Triffons on Thursday night.

2- Kristie and Rob and Jeff - sorry for getting sick so early on Thurs. Hope I didn't kill the party too much. In repayment, have some of the beer I left in the fridge. It's Japanese and excellent.

3 - To you the Blogging public, sorry for not posting. I was too busy partying and having too much fun. Way too much.

So I got into Regina at like 8:30, the bus ride was totally uneventful. Got in and Rob was waiting for me to drive me to alcohol and good times. A man was yelling about a sandwich at the bus stop. He seemed quite upset.

Went to Rob's breifly then over to Triffons where I ran upon Dave, Amanda, Kristie, Jeff... some guy and... um yeah. We were very hungry and as a result had to drink many pitchers of beer to get the free nachos. Dave and Amanda told me all about their ----- --- ------ ------ ------ --- --------- --- -------- -- -- -- ----. I wasn't that shocked.

Many homosexual moments occured.

We went home, I partied a little too hard and crashed.... in bed... well couch.

Woke up Friday and Jeff and I worked on his PC (to limited success... Jeff, Nathan figures the drive probably was fucked). Then we did some shopping and running around, and hung out the rest of the afternoon, got beer, ordered pizza and had a "poker night". A quick game, which you will all be proud to learn I won. Big. I'm buying a goat farm with the winnings. I am very, very rich.

Too bad we didn't play with money.

Much discussion and world-problem solving followed.

The next morning, Jeff, Rhonda and I woke up, went to Pavlos for breakfast (arguably one of the best cups of coffe I've ever had) then went to the "RCM" (thank you NATHAN) and saw the dioramas, listened to Rhonda's cell phone ("that funky monkey"), blew off Dave, found out we had been calling some Asian instead of Dave, placed toy dinosaurs in highly compromising sexual positions, convinced a 4 year old that we indeed were kids (and perhaps we were/are), and offered to toss a young child in with MegaMunch. He still scares the hell out of me. Though I remember him being bigger.

Then I went off to Nathan and Ashley's where I was treated to an excellent steak supper (and the best goddamn mashed potatoes I've ever eaten). Rob and Kat stopped in for a bit and the night ended with Nathan and I staying up all night smoking, lighting things on fire and sharing old war stories. Amazing the things you can sometimes learn about an old friend when you haven't seen him in a while.

Then up early this morning... some confusion and knocking Kristie around, and I was back on the bus and headed back home to work.

I've got a tonne of pics I'll put up maybe tonight, but more likely tommorrow. Really looking forward to getting home for a shower, clean clothes and Bootsy. Not sure how I'm gonna handle a week away from her this summer on the canoe trip. Really don't think the trip would be too condusive to a hyper-active Beagle.

1 comment:

The Navigator said...

SHe's psycho...I mean Bootsy.