Monday, January 23, 2006


I forgot to f-ing VOTE. Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Don't panic. Corey is gonna come by tonight and give me a break. I should call up one of the party offices and see if I can get a ride or something.

I'm gonna take a real break in the trend of my blog and say something. I'm not gonna tell you the reader who to vote for. I've decided, so have all of you hopefully. I'm not gonna tell you who not to vote for. And I'm not gonna tell you not to vote. I think it is your right to and not to. Making a concious decision not to vote is not agreeable to me, but it is a message and it is part of being in a free democracy. We can't force that on others. We can have opinons on it.

I do want to say that I think Canada has made some tremendous steps ahead in human rights and freedoms (especially gay rights and aboriginal issues). I think Canada is making positive moves towards a cleaner, greener world. I think Canada has made some good, but not great decisions involving third world poverty. I feel Canada made its presence well known on the world scene by abstaining from the Iraq war.

I think that whoever gets in power must realize this progress. Please. This is a great, wonderful nation. Please people of Canada, take your nation back from the politicians. We are a good, intelligent people. We are peaceful, clean and friendly. Vote for whatever party you must, they all have their benefits. But please make sure that when you wake up tommorrow morning you will be proud of what Canada will be.

In conclusion, can someone come by Movie Factory around say 6 tonight and give me a ride to the polling station?

PS! Dammit, just about forgot. My sister Shanna is having en Election MSN party tonight. Now I'm sure the supreme court would just about tear out our asses if they found out. Anyways, I'm gonna be in on it. If you too would like to show up, her MSN address is on her page here... I won't print it more than it needs to be.


Soulfood said...

That whole "vote Conservative" thing just came out of my fingers...I couldn't stop it.

Thanx for the shout out about my MSN party.

Oh, and you're an idiot. You lucked out that Corey's saving your ass.

The Navigator said...

Andrew saved your ass too.