Friday, January 27, 2006

Brushing Elbows With the Rich and Famous

That title is gonna seem like a huge overexageration in a minute. In fact I'd hafta say, every word in it is a lie.

So last night I'm closing up shop and I pop on to MSN to see what Rhonda had planned with the stuff I forgot in Regina on the weekend. I talked to her breifly about guitar stuff and suddenly an invitation to join my list pops up out of nowhere. I make an assumption that another one of my friends has been given my MSN so I accept.

It turns out it is the wife of the Souris Moose Mountain Green Party candidate, Matthew Smith. She was Googling her husband and stumbled across this page. Then I guess she did some deducting and found my MSN. Pretty sweet.

So we had a chat about movies, music, politics and south-east Saskatchewan. Anyways, it was cool to find out that my blog has reached a bit of an audience. It also disturbs me that I'm searchable. Next thing it'll be Mike Haukness MSNing me and telling me I'm an asshole. Now that would be cool.

I did forget to ask her one thing though. In the first post mentioned him, I said he'd be the kind of guy to bring home to your mom. I should have asked her if that was ever a problem.

1 comment:

The Navigator said...

It's not whether or not he's the guy you can bring home to your's whether or not he's the guy you can bring home to OUR mom.