Friday, January 27, 2006

All that Blog King Paperwork

Well first of all, it has come to my attention that Steve is trying to take my blogging crown away.. and Dave is trying to usurp Steve. I'd like to say that MY POSITION AS KING OF THIS BLOGGING CIRCLE IS ABSOLUTE! Are you not happy with my rule? I made the trains run on time! I LET YOU EAT CAKE! Anyways.. enough of all this stealing my rule talk. I'll let it pass this time, next time, I'm beheading someone. (How's THAT for assertiveness DAVE).

Nathan, formerly of Subablomic fame has moved his blogging attention to a new project and a new blog, both entitled Intermedia 380. So I might as well send you all over there for a look.

Finally, this ruling of my blog community is getting a little lonely. If anyone can find me a suitable queen, I would look very favourably on you. I'm thinking brunette, but I've had my fun with blondes in the past too. I'm also very partial to redheads. Ladies... I'm single, I can cook, I get free movies, and I know all the words to "Whoomp There it Is!". Applications can be made in person or by e-mail to jeremy.pilon(at)


The Navigator said...


Pilot said...

OH go suck an egg alotta.