Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pilot's World Year 1 - First Year History of Pilot's World

Hey folks. Had a really shitty Nov. 11. Work was really busy/bad and never made it home at all to post a Rememberance Day post. I apologize to all the veterans and soldiers who died to make it possible for me even to have the free speech to post here. I've always respected soldiers and Rememberance Day. I regret missing it this year, I profited from it in paycheque, but I disrespected those I should honour. A special shout out to my grandpa, Roch Pilon who helped repair airplanes during WW2.

But back to the week of celebration, Pilot's World History!

November 2004 - Shawna leaves for Weyburn for a long weekend, leaving me to fend for myself for three days. I finally have the time and boredom necessary to start my personal webpage, consisting of a start page and a blog that would soon become the center of attention.

I started on a good foot, had several good posts and talked about football alot. Template in these beginnings is Tic Tac Green

December 2004 - the Blog begins to grow as does the blog community. I start the Save the World series which will eventually become The Pylon. Beginnings of my relationship difficulties begin as i propose to Shawna. XMAS and transfer to A&W.

January 2005
- Car and Computer break down. New computer, fixed car. Hate Job ALOT, annouce new website the Pylon, have several good design projects in my lap.

February 2005 - More design work, discover picture of george the rabbit which sows the pet seeds, resulting in Bootsy. Transfer out of A&W back to bakery. Around this time, change template to Thisaway Blue. Cool dreams, fire, curling broom and racism.

March 2005
- Most boring month of blogging yet. Great list on places I've hit my head. People generously add places I've forgotten.

April 2005 - My blogging technique finally takes off. This is the best month I've probably ever done. Pilon for Pope, Things Look better in Black and white, the Missing Frisbee and i made my first template - News of the Pilot.

May 2005 - Wow, another excellent month. Star Wars mentions, Hires Root Beer contest and entries, Pilot's World Advice Column (which only one person has ever sent in for I might add), Live Aid, LAN, google the pope, more bloggers and my first blog scandal (hi mom!).

June 2005 - Football, Canada Day, Announcement of the Hires Root Beer winner, Announcement of the move.

July 2005 - More Football, canoe trip highlights, moving to Weyburn, some good family stuff... mom is still reading my blog.

August 2005 - Busy month... probably the most "information intensive". Mark interacts with animals begins, saving the world, short lived days of my life column begins, new "pinup" template designed and implemented, Producer School started, I catch several vermin, Pilot's world webcam started, old lists reposted, I put a keg in a fridge, scotchfest.

September 2005
- Bootsy enters, Hurrican Katrina, Shaq, Saskatoon trip, Spruce Woods trip, first mention of the 666 story.

October 2005 - Blogging contest, second blog controversy (hi Shanna!), selling out, 666, anger and a move.


  1. Anonymous2:36 am

    Love the retrospective. I remembered a lot of those mentions.

  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! PARTY AT JEREMY'S HOUSE!!!! But only 5 people can come...that's all he can fit.

  3. YES! A mention! Whooooooo hit your head!!!!

