Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Keep it Positive?

ok, I know, I need to tell myself to keep it positive.

(keep it positive, keep it positive, keep it positive you STUPID FU....)

Ok so one of the better things in my life of late is that I've been able to shed the shckles of the DQ and got a job working for my friends new movie rental place... (drum roll)

I've been giving them alot of help with the store and I'm very proud of what it is. It opens today and is gonna be an excellent movie store. I work tonight, tommorrow and all weekend, so you should come check me out. it's located in the old Mattress World Store, across from Cleo's (Music Craft) and next to Joey's Only. The address is like 216 Railway Ave.

And now some pics of the store;

Outside last night just before we took the paper off the windows. Even with the paper on, we had customers entering the store to return movies (despite the fact that not a single movie had been rented yet) and families entering to check it out. Once the paper got off, it got worse. A good sign.

One of the New Release racks.. Only $5!

And finally, my staff pics for this week or month... we're not sure which. Each one will have a theme. Guess what the theme is this week! Movies are Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Coffee and Cigarettes and Life Aquatic.

More 1 Year Anniversary stuff tommorrow, and maybe some pics of Bootsy later this week!


  1. Screw the anniversary! WE WANT BOOTSY!!!

  2. Wait wait wait. Since the store just opened, couldn't you attempt to pose EVERY movie in the store as a 'new release'. I mean, it's new to that store.

    finlai<----Holy crap! An almost word!

  3. I don't understand what the theme is.

    lzkkubb <----Steven

  4. Anonymous1:19 am

    'Tis Mr. Murray 'tis.
