Monday, November 14, 2005

Friends of Pilot's World

This was supposed to be the final post this week, but in light of the support I've gotten over the past couple hard days, I'd like to dedicate this one to you guys.


Although I've constantly maintained that Pilot's World was made for me, and for the first few months that's what kept it afloat, the people who visit and interact with Pilot's World are a huge part of what makes it happen. I don't think I would be so inclined to post as much or able to make income off the page if it weren't for my faithful readers and supporters. Here's a shout out to some of them;

Shanna - My sister and first real reader. Shanna has been a constant commenter from day one and has had her own blogging ups and downs. Her original blog, This is Now started around the same time as mine in November 2004. Going through some ups and downs she started a couple more blogs, finally settling on her current blog, Hecticity. Shanna was also co-founder with me of The Pylon.

Nathan - His drive to try something new has kept me on my toes and I'd have to say that for a few months there, fuelled the growth of Pilot's World. Nathan's blog Subablomic was started in May 2005 as a comic site, and although has met this goal only a couple times has been a great window into his brain. Nathan also held the first blog contest after I posted my first contest. Shanna won I think. I also think Nathan was the first to point out the presence of a blog community growing around all my friends online.

Andrew - Little brother and copycat extraordinaire. No not really. He's not technically my brother as he was adopted. HA! Andrew's site, Randomization started in january 2005 and has been a constant source of hilarity. He's so much more emotional in print than in person. He's also retarded. Andrew brough alot of his friends into the blogging circle and is a pretty regular commenter on all the blogs in the group.

Dave - Although not a very regular updater and only blogging since July this year, Dave is a very regular commenter and an all-round positive person. Whenever I have one of my uber-nagative posts, I can always depend on Dave's "Serenity Now?" comment. Dave's Blog Chilean Canadian Christian Propaganda (CCCP) contains the amount of Star Wars references I wish I could put into my blog. His girlfriend calls him David and it throws everyone off.

Steve - How can one forget Steve... I mean I try and he just SHOWS UP! Steve or Steven Matthew Biss IV as he is more commonly (and painfully) called started The Blogginator in February of 2005 with the again painful address (try and remember that). Steve provides me with plenty of material and frankly I could blog just our MSN conversations and it would be one of the most entertaining blogs in history. His blog also is painful. Steven is painful, a warning for any women who might want to sleep with him.

Dore - She's my cuz and it's her blog that has shown me how blogging can shorten distances between people. I rarely get to see Dore, yet I've got a pretty good handle on several aspects of her life thanks to meanderings, started in December 2004. She also won the second Pilot's World Contest in November 2005.

Rob - another newbie to the circle, Rob's blog Enthenogens and Artistic Exploration started in July 2005 is very elegantly written. I always keep my eye on this one to see what he's gonna publish next. For some reason I never feel like commenting on his blog... it seems sacreligious some how.

Jon - Down_Lo, started in February 2005, is the most rarely updated blog in the history of time and yet I think he gets more hits a day then I do. What the hell? Jon's writing is a bit erratic, but entertaining to say the least.

Other blog regulars include Amanda, Jeff, Mark, Kat, Abe and more. Even as i write this, several more people seem to be entering the group and i'm sure by this time next year this list will be 3 times bigger.


  1. YES!! First listed! Whoooooo!!

    Now I guess I need to go update my blog!!

    But let me comment on some of these people:

    Nathan - yes, I did win his contest. Have I received my prize? No. But just so he knows...I'll be in Weyburn over Christmas.

    Andrew - yeah...the adopted ones always get more attention for some reason.

    Dave - very constant commenter...needs work on his blog-updating skills. Realy, he HOSTED the star wars party...has he posted about it?? No.

    Steve - I read a post. Every sentence made sense on it's own...but when put together I couldn't understand at all what he was trying to say. Now, that's a special skill.

    Dore - the most artistic of us all. Her posts are the most eloquent and probably the deepest.

    Jeremy - well, Pilot's World is always the place to fall back on. None of these people listed read every other blog listed...but they all read Pilot's World. It's a home for our little community.

    And not to forget...

    tepcyu (That's right Steve...that's MINE!!)

  2. Wow. I went back and read all the November 2004 posts. I really was the only one who commented!! Once by Steve and once by an American, but otherwise, all me! And I wasn't even a member of blogger yet!!


  3. Wow.... that touched me deeply Pilot. Seriously, I'm glad to know my own brand of pain for pleasure is recognizable by bloggers world-wide. About that sleeping with me comment though.. he's joking ladies... heh... good one Jeremy...



  4. I'm sorry i didn't do more into your contest...I kept forgetting. Next time....hopefully there is one anyway.
