Thursday, November 17, 2005

Future of Pilot's World

So what's in store for Pilot's World? Well I've got some plans, some are already rolling, others are still in the "it's in my brain stage". Needless to say there's LOTS to come. Let's explore some of them.

Pilot's World Bookmarks - This is kinda a two-fold part. I would like to make a page with a list of great bookmarks from sites I find and visit. I have an account started right now at but I'm not really too pumped about that one yet. A better one that's I've tried is but I've been using that for another plan on Pilot's World.

The second part is the part that includes I've been trying to categorize and label the entire site in hopes of making it easier to find stuff as the page grows. Though with recent advances in Google and my ability to make some change usig Google search, I might just use that.

My Christmas Wish List - Oh yeah. Each year my mom and siblings want to know what I want for Christmas, then they just guess. Well this year, they're gonna know, you're gonna know too. I've started the list with a good service out there and this one should pop up in the next week or so. This will stay up year round as my Birthday and Un-Birthday wish list as well. Rich/generous people should check this out.

Pilot's World Hub/The Airport - Bringing it back to essentials. When I started Pilot's World it was based around a hub page. I want to go back to this style and I hope to have it up and running before the new year. From the page you will be able to access all parts of Pilot's World.

Pilot's World Research Lab - I've used Google services EXTENSIVELY in the creation and running of Pilot's World (AdSense, Blogger, Google Search and GMail to name a few). I'm ripping this idea off as well. Google has a section where they showcase upcoming and beta services they offer. I'm gonna make a section off of the hub page where I will show and discuss upcoming changes and features of Pilot's World. Part of this already exists in the form of my testing blog, Pilot's World Development Labs.

More Community Access - Not really an integral part of my site, but something that it should be a part of. I'd like to make blogging info and help more accessible to people in my blogging circle and try to extend the circle way more. Ideas I'm still throwing around are forums, chat rooms or guestbooks. - not gonna happen, it's been bought and they want $1000 - $15,000 for it, and well WE AIN'T GOT THAT. But maybe something will come up.

More Selling out - Still looking to make some income from the net, I've got at least 2 ideas for money making schemes on the net, and more I'm sure to come. That's all the info on this you'll be able to get from me. Let's just say all the selling out I'm doing at Pilot's World is just practice (the Pylon was practice as well...).

More Fun and Games - I want to do more Mark Interacts With Animals, More 666, More Saving the World Columns and endlessly more articles to come.

Portfolio - Ugh. I'll probably just post my old portfolio on the hub page at first, but i'd really like to get my portfolio up-to-date and attractive at some point in the not too distant future.

Pilot's world TV and Radio - Ok this isn't as big as it sounds. I'd like to expand the webcam page with other people's webcams and maybe some scheduled programming (Watch Pilot clean his house, party at Pilot's that type thing). I'd also like to do a streaming radio broadcast with friends and my music and some other cool sound files I have taken ( canoe trip sounds, cabin party at Jeff's, jam session tapes).

And then who knows?! I've got infinite possibilities here, just need to keep hacking at it and seeing what arises.


The Navigator said...


Soulfood said...

Too late, I already bought your Christmas present. It's done.

Anyway, sounds good!!


Steven said...

I already bought your Christmas present too. The same thing as last year. That would probaby lead you to believe it's nothing, but really you just forgot to pick up your present last year.


Anonymous said...

"mark bauche" fought "jeremy pilon" in a Googlefight, and Jeremy kicked Mark's ass by like 4x.

Pilot said...

wow, I finally beat mark at someiufuo

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