Friday, October 07, 2005

What to blog about

What should I blog about? Should I talk about how I've been slandered by my own sister. I could sit here and defend myself, but frankly I'm having some fun on a shitty little blog and i'm getting so used to being backstabbed by my sisters that I'm not giving it anymore discussion. Those who want to have fun with me can, those who don't can go fuck themselves.

Jeff is back blogging. He's discussed some more cool plans on how to take power from Mr. George Bush, and hopefully he continues to blog. I know I'd really like to see it. His girlfriend, Rhonda is apparantly also a blogger, hopefully he gets me her link so i can add her to the collective.

To clarify the rules from the contest yesterday, the entires must be POSTED from the locations, not just written, that would kill the challenge of it all.

Have been MSNing my ass off lately. Rob and I were MSNing this afternoon. Sounds like he isn't having as much fun in Vancouver as he should be, but I know he'll get above it and enjoy the experience. I also managed to blog with my old firend Alex Roy whom is currently in China. Was amazing to reunite with an old friend a world away.

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