Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm a Very Angry Person Right Now

Yep, it seems everyone is out to piss me off. At least I made amends with Andrew, now everyone else on the other hand... well we'll just hafta kill them off.

Hoping someone will enter the Pilot's World Contest. It's just a good ol' time and hey you could win the prize pack too! So far, no one has entered.

Insane video of a cop being hit by a car here. He actually gets up and goes after the guy!

Riders are going for six straight tonight. If you can't be at the game remember to listen to it on the radio or online at CKRM. Kickoff is at 5:00 Sask time.


  1. Holy shit! If I got hit like that I think I'd lay there and cry. Oh, and Lacey was pissed off at everyone, PMS going on there. Normally I like her but today she was just a bitch.

  2. Oh hey!! Thanx for the reminder for the football game.
