Wednesday, September 14, 2005

And today's topic;

So I have good news, bad news and more good news. Then some other stuff as well.

Good News : I found a new home for Brain, Pilot's World's First Pet. It's an old sauerkraut jar with some dirt and a stick.

Bad News : Brain is dead. I think he dies last night sometime, it was pretty cold in my room and he wouldn't move today.

Good News : Within like 2 hours Michelle had found a new BIGGER spider, so he's in Brain's new jar. I've decided to let the people name him, send me some name ideas, and I'll put the suggestions on a poll on Friday. You can check him out at the Pilot's World Webcam. Not only is this guy cool, but he's like 3 times the size of Brain!

In other news, there are some changes in my little blogging community or as I like to call it, my "stable" of bloggers. One, Shanna who threatened to quit on us has decided not only to stay on, but to switch over to Blogger. She's got a great idear for a blog, and I'm helping her with a good template. I won't put the link up to her blog yet as she's still building it, but rest assured it will be good.

Second, my ol' pal Mr. Jeff is blogging now. With the aply named blog "George Bush Sucks" what really amazes me, is that his blog has been around as long as mine. That's right you heard correctly. He's been blogging since November of last year. In fact, would you beleive his blog predates mine by 2 days. Sonofabitch! Anyways why am I mentioning him since he hasn't blogged since? Well in hopes that maybe, just MAYBE he might restart. I think he has things to say, and by doing this I can encourage him to do so. Now we just need to get Mark blogging.... Check out Jeff Here.

On a personal basis, I went to the animal shelter today to get some info on adopting a dog. Pretty easy process, $40 and it's yours. That's about it. Small dogs are hard to get and theyreally kinda cut you off once the pet is in your possesion. So now I have a lot of research to do (vets, grooming, training, supplies) in addition to finding a home we can share before I can take that plunge.

Going to the animal shelter I came to realize the immense cost they go through, food, immunizations, taxes, wages etc. You can help support animal shelters by adopting pets instead of buying from pet stores, volunteering and there's even a click to donate site for this too!!!!

The Animal Rescue Site - Click to donate

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