Wednesday, September 14, 2005

29 and... ain't no more....

Grandpa you crazy sonofabitch. Yep that's my grandpa there (article courtesy of the Melville Advance, the most news-starved paper on the planet). Got his first 29 in crib. Only 80 something years to do it too! And to top it off grandma dealt it to him on the morning of their 55th wedding anniversary (how CUTE!).

It's inspired me to play crib more, infact I've hit Shanna and Rob up for games, and I know I'm gonna be trying to play more. If I'm gonna get myself that 29 and be the fourth generation, I better start playing the odds NOW.

But congrats to grandpa on that once in a lifetime acheivement!

Also, Shanna wants me to blog on Googles new Blog Search. For those of you who don't know, Blogger is owned by Google (gasp!). So they have a cool search now. Included in this change is the new search section on that useless toobar at the top. So now you can search this blog (saving all of us YEARS of work) or other blogs as well. So yeah, that's pretty cool. But not nearly as cool as Google Maps.


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    kat dealt me 3 fives and a jack the other day, i was stunned, i sat in anticipation as the deck was cut, and unfortunately, and 8 was drawn, and it was only a 22 or so...

    i still lost that match

  2. Why didn't you mention that I slaughtered you in both matches we played. Slaughtered. OK, you won one game of 6. That was it. I kicked your ass otherwise. I think that's an important fact you should have included in your blog.
