Saturday, August 13, 2005

What's with Ottawa?!

Ok so I could bitch about the Riders going from first in the Wext to second last, but I won't. What I really wanna talk about it the Ottawa Renegades. First place in the East! What the fuck!?

If we all remember correctly Ottawa ended lat year dead last in the East with only 5 wins in the season. Now look at e'm! Halfway through the season and they've already tied last season's record. Of course they wouldn't stand a chance if they were in the demanding West with Edmonton and BC, but hey... good for you Ottawa!

I've always held Ottawa as my "second favourite" team. Maybe it's because they're the "other Riders" maybe it's because they're a struggling small market team like the Sask Riders, who knows, but it does make me happy when I see Ottawa do well.


  1. Jeremy, this comment is irrelevant. I could use some tips on web design sometime in future, I really like all the new looks you give your place....very snazzy.

  2. Whatever just like the pictures of the women...admit it.
