Friday, August 12, 2005

The Bubble Bursts

Well after almost 6 months as pope Pope Benedict 16 has finally been recognized by Google. I did the ol' Google the pope today and lo' and behold if i didn't get this ol' chestnut.

So there are several hunfred pictures listed now. But none of my pope related work has been listed. Bastards!

In other news, i'm working on a system that will be featured at the bottom of mym bog that will allow you to view blog entries I've made on specific topics (ie football, pope, dad for pope, web design, etc.) It's gonna take a while as I have to catalogue all 160 or so posts to date, but once it's set up it'll be very cool and quite useful.

In addition I re-found the old "Pilot's World" webpage from when ths thing started. I'm gonna migrate everything over to the blog as I go. Too damn much blog related work to do lately.

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