Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dry - Post

I think it's hilarious how someone will point out that no one has been blogging lately, so everyone rushes out, posts ONE post to break the drought, then all stop again (eg 1,2,3). Fact of the matter is, it's a beautiful summer and not everyone is a loser like me with time to burn Blogging.

Mark, Rob and Davin are down this weekend. Gave me an idea for a Blogging special I will do in a few weeks (once I get MY computer back). It will be called Mark Interacts with Animals. It will feature photos of Mark. Interacting with animals.

I'm enjoying my job so far. It gives me alot of freedom to do my own thing and the hours are great. Plus there is no animosity. People like it alot that I want to be the morning guy and are supporting me alot with learning. Jeff made a good point before I started and I agree with him. If you can get past the political bullshit at the hotel, you'll have a blast.

Still looking for musicians and singers for my project on Producer School. I have a few name is mind that haven't approached me yet... Dave, Steve Biss, Mark, Nathan. I also want to approach a few people who probably don't follow my blog that might be interested like Kristie, Davin? Vic R, Steve Dreiger, Adam, and some of the ol' Kerosene crew. I want this thing to be huge. Already on board, Rob, Michelle, Andrew and me.

Anyways, it's a nice day and I better get out and do some things with the friends whilst they're in town.

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