Monday, July 18, 2005

Okay so I was gonna write about my unabashed act of heroism tonight. Ina torrential downpour tonight, I sacrificed my dryness to save a small section of my store. Big hero right? Wrong.

firecheifThis guy on the left there is my dad. Now back a few months ago I did a little campaign to get him elected pope. A pretty funny little moment in my Blogs history, but I think now's the time to show you the "real man" under the pope hat.

Dad's the real deal. Tonight I called my mom to talk about the severe weather we were having up here (mom is terrified of storms and likes to know we're all alive). She updated me on the family including dad's recent string of activity as fire chief back home. It seems earlier this week he was the first person on the scene of a car accident. Out of respect of the victims and their family I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but let's just say he saved a young boy's life, and had to see some terrible things while doing it.

Dad's the real deal.

Sometimes I get caught up in life. I think the things I have to deal with and do everyday are "too much" or are "a pain in the ass". Then I hear about people like my dad who go out there day in and day out, put their lives at risk and deal with catastrophies every day. And dad never talks about it unless he's trying to save someone in the interim (ie, a drinking and driving speech).

So here's to you dad, even though I know you'll never read this. Thank-You for doing what I couldn't do and what millions never even know about.


The Navigator said...

There's been more accidents too. I haven't heard too much about them, though...Dad was supposed to be off at 6 but didn't get home till 8 and was off again after half an hour.

Soulfood said...

Yeah. You've gotta respect people in who work in rescue like firefighters, emts, and police officers. They deal with things each day so that the rest of us don't have to. It's a tough job and they do it. Kudos to them!!

The Navigator said...

I thought I'd put an update on that crash..It was actually a little girl he saved and she died today in hospital....4 dead from the crash and one in a coma(two of those that died are young girls). The accident and fire yesterday weren't guy rolled a semi but was ok and the other guy was welding a pipe that was touching wood.

Soulfood said...

He only put up with 3 little hellions...I'm a little angel :)