Thursday, June 16, 2005

And the winner is....

Not decided yet. Until then check out Soulfood's entry at It's pretty sweet. I had trouble with the Star Wars question ... oh and TELL HER YOU LIKE THE LIMERICK!

In addition to the problems in my life I listed on this blog last week, please add credit problems. Thanks.

I got a spam/virus/theif e-mail today from "e-bay". Filled with spelling mistakes and lacking the obvious knowledge that I have never used e-bay, I concluded it must be a fake. So now I wonder, what should I do with it? Because they're obviously trying to get my info.

So here's what I'm thinking. It send you to Obviously not e-bay. I'm thinking we should maybe spam them or submit like a shitload of fake info.... it asks for credit card numbers and the works.... I think it might be prudent to report them to some sort of fraud agency... FBI or something. So yueah visit the page and if you have any ideas, gimme a shout!


The Navigator said...

The star wasrs one was hard becasue the real answer wasn't there. His name is Needa,(which I knew) but she had Needar.

Soulfood said...

Sorry, I got the answer from this really shitty webpage that had everything spelled wrong. I thought that might be a problem. I will go fix it.