Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This one time.....

I once had a conversation with my cousin Kara. There were probably more people in the conversation, but it's what she said that struck me. She said "Don't we all deep inside just want to grow up to be normal with normal families." To which I replied, "Hell no! i wanna be a Jedi Ghostbuster!


Hell Yeah, Motherfucker!


The Navigator said...

Isn't that everyones dream????

Steven said...

I know it's mine....wow....if only.

Soulfood said...

And you guys wonder why you're the weaker, dumber sex.

Pilot said...

Why did we give you the vote again?

Soulfood said...

Because, we bitched until you couldn't stand it anymore.

Pilot said...

ahh yes.. now I remember ...