Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm listed!

So, my blog is now listed on the BlogShares stock exchange. What does that mean? Not too much, hopefully more traffic, and a fun game. It's like HSX, you get imaginary money to invest in a play game. So if you wanna invest, check out my site here and buy buy buy, because I'm valued really low at like $.29. CHEAP!

First entry is in for the Hires Root Beer Contest! Sent in by Doré it's awesome. Show some imagination and you too could win! Send a song, record a song! make a Flash animation, make a picture, make a claymation dancing to some dumb song ANYTHING related to Hires will do it!

Keep on rockin' it y'all and i wanna see some entries.


The Navigator said...

What is her should put them up somewhere so we can see them....or have you and I'm just missing something.

The Navigator said...

I hate you for what you have made me create.....You gave me the idea of making a song and 45 minutes later I have written a song and recorded it...I just have to add the drums and it's done.....Why have you made me create this monstrosity.

Soulfood said...

Haha. I need more time to think up my entry. I have until keep a watch out!!

Pilot said...

excellent, some activity

The Navigator said...

I would like to take this moment to point out that Jeremy is an idiot....You can get Hires root beer at 7/11. There is also Hiores orange, Hires grape and another one I didn't look at that much. I bought a bottle last night....I still like Barqs better though.

Soulfood said...

haha!! I'll have to check it out next time I go!!

Steven said...

Interesting......still, maybe Jeremy's is magic...

Doré said...

I can't afford to buy pop at 7/11... I have to win it. :)