Thursday, April 14, 2005

It DOES matter if you're black or white!

OK so about 1 year - a year and a half ago I watched the movie Formula 51. An excellent movie simply for the fact that you have Sam jackson in a kilt. Nuff said. Anyway, the first time I watche dit was on an old peice of shit Zenith TV I got from my parents. The picture tube was shot on it, so the colour was pretty shot. To compensate, I just turned down the "Picutre" setting and just made it a black and white TV. In this form I would watch all the world's greatest Technicolour inventions, drained of their hue.

So I watched Formula 51... colourless and loved it. Never once noticed the lack of colour and put a new movie on my Top 10 List.

About a month ago I watched the movie again. This time on our brand new JVC big screeen, colour yada yada bullshit TV I didn't pay for. The important thing is this time, I saw it in colour.

It lost it's edge. I've always heard that black and white made stuff look better but I didn't know how till now. So I did some experiments ... check this one out.

Take this picture of Francis D. Cornworth, the High School senior who in 1999 aucitoned his "young man's virginity" on E-bay... receiving bids upwards of 10 bills .. 10 MILLION bills that is! ...

Ok so we have it... colour and not all that appetizing. So I pulled it into Photoshop and using the desaturate feature to "black and white" it (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate). Saved it and well would you look at the difference! ....
Holy Crap! Look at ol' Francis now! If he'd put his picture in black and white to start with.... he'd a been laid like Heff!

So one get's curious... will this work for me? So I grabbed an old picture of myself....
Gross. Possibly the worst picture I've ever taken. Greasy hair, need a shave ... and what's that in the back ground??? A DOUBLE GULP.... oh I pray to the Gods of Black and White that you can help me!
Dang! Look at me now! I'm throwing all my colour film away. Even that nasty old Big Gulp looks like a palm tree now!

So what am I getting at? Black and White can improve things. Next time you're gonnna sit down and watch a movie, try turning the colour down on your TV. I mean really for all the colour and special effects put into Star Wars : Episode 1, it still can't beat Citizen Kane. Infact if it weren't for the fact that I can't get wood unless I see a lightsaber battle, I'd never watch that peice of shit again. Citizen Kane with minimal effects and no colour - arguably the greatest film of all time. Star Wars : Episode 1 .. didn't even make the top 500.


The Navigator said...

That's sad.

Soulfood said... need to know something. Girls don't think guys who are that buff are hot. It's just gross, that's all. Lesson learned.

Pilot said...

Yeah but I think it's hot... that's the important part.

Steven said...

I agree! With everyone! Mainly me, who think Jeremy is definitely sexier in black and white.

The Navigator said...
