Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Been Slacking

I know, I'm getting bad with updating this. Think I blogged myself out there a few weeks ago.

Ok but I have a confesion to make. I watch "The Surreal Life" on MTV. And I normally hate reality TV. I don't know why, but those crazy weird ass people just blow my mind. I mean who knew Flavour Flav was a sensitive lover? Now you do. I even had a dream about them. I can't remember most of it, but I do know it involved a movie theatre, that guy from Full House owninga comic book store, us eating lasagne at a table with too few chairs to sit us all and that I ended up getting lasagne on my shirt and when I took it off to wash it, Bridgette Nielsen got all hot and bothered.

Other than that, works good, but my financial life sucks ass.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it seems I'm just as bad for leaving comments. I've been reading your blog, truly I have. But it's just kinda been when I have a couple minutes to spare and then I don't have time to comment. So yeah, I think the two of us are both pretty busy. I'm looking forward to May and getting home for a weekend when I don't have to think or work or anything!!! Man, May is a LONG ways away. I better finish March first!!! Anyway, I'm off to do laundry, ttyl!!!
