Monday, February 07, 2005

Ok, I have four subjects today;
1 - My involvement/uninvolvement with the Pylon
2 - My rant on No-Name foods
3 - The weird dream I had last night
4 - Old Dutch - Cleaner or Chip?

The Pylon - I wrote a small ditty on the Pylon last night, which prompted a comment from my sister/co-writer/co-creator, which indicated that she's having trouble keeping up with the site. Now I feel like a jackass. Because yes, I have been a little negligent. Although I have been doing alot of work on the site, none of it is very important or time sensitive, and I really have to be looking out for the fact that we have to put an article up EVERY day. So I made up 5 articles last night, did some cleanup on the e-mails and ignored the rest of the work I've been doing for now. I'm gonna try and get a couple weeks ahead (I know ... Good luck) and then I can do some other work.

So Shanna here is an official apology, and a promise that I will do better.

No Name - my bro raved on this one in his blog at Randomjunkification a couple weeks ago. basically he said he didn't understand how his friends thought "no-name" products tasted or were the same as name-brand. He didn't argue that they were worse, just that they were a cheaper alternate. I tend to agree with him. For example, last week I bought a no-name taco kit from the local North-Mart. Now this stuff was amazing. Not so much the tacos - I really don't know how you could change that, but the meat seasoning was amazing. Unfortunately It gave me the worlds STANKIEST taco burps.... my plants were wilting.

Weird Dream - Ok I had this dream that our landlord came by our place and gave us this list of "things we have wrong with our apartment." And they were ridiculous. Like "Your windows fog up after you have a shower" and "You plug your car in too much" and stuff like that. So I all "blacked out" (a term used by the girls at work to mean I freaked out or had a spaz). Yeah pretty stupid dream.

Old Dutch, Cleaner or Chip? - Ok so this one was introduced to me by Shanna this summer when I went to visit her in Saskatoon on my way up to La Ronge. She mentioned that back in like the 1920's one of the best selling cleaning companies was "Old Dutch." Now here in Western Canada, Old Dutch is usually associated with potato chips and in particular the classic Old Dutch "Box of Chips", so that it is a cleaner is a little odd. Well lo-and-behold if a couple months ago I don't notice a case of containers sitting in the cleaning section of North Mart. It's Old Dutch scrubbing powder. Well now I'm thinking "wow, I'm an idiot" bcasue the product has obviously been around for nearly a century, and probably has been on the shelf of every grocery store I've frequented, but until Shanna pointed it out, I never noticed it.

Anyway, that's my novel for today. I really have to get back to work now.. almost done rob's portfolio!


  1. Yay!! Articles!! I'll get some too and we'll be good to go :D

    OK, yeah I have weird dreams too. They so interesting. I've got one on my blog right now if you haven't read it yet. But maybe you have cause it's been there for quite a while.

    You found some old dutch cool!

  2. No name food isn't as good in some jons dill pickle dip..disgusting but some of it's ok.
