Sunday, February 06, 2005

A fee Minutes to breathe

Ok Avid reader (both of you). Sorry for the silence of late, I've been freakishly busy with projetcs, thus the three day silence. Been working hardcore on Rob's portfolio, and in the spare moments between (while waiting for more material or taking a break, I've been working on the Pylon. The Pylon is V E R Y S L O W L Y coming together. I'm workingon a forum for it right now, just having trouble setting up global moderators for it, otherewise I think I'd have it up by now. Put a counter on the page too. Once I get over this hump of work, I'll have to get hardcore on a visual redesign, as I'm not satisfied with its current look.

Ok so I thought of a bad joke he other day... wanna hear it?

Ok you know those Jeff Foxworthy jokes that everyone hated in the 90's... you know like
"If you got married and your wife didn't have to change the name on her license, you might be a Redneck"....

Ok I got one about being Canadian.
"If you have a provincial health care card and you use it mostly to clear frost off your windshield, you might be Canadian."

Oh I know... it's terrible.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it made me chuckle, so it can't be that bad.

    OK, guess what I'm watching. The Mario Brothers Movie. I didn't even know there was a movie...just a TV show. But yeah, I'm taping it so I'll have the movie to watch again and again.

    Anyway, yeah, we need another write for the Pylon. I just don't have enough ideas or enough time to keep writing as much as I have. You have a bunch of ideas there, but not many full articles for publishing. I don't mind doing a few a week, but it just seems that I'm getting them all done. I know that you're busy with the layout, but we need someone else who wants to write a couple of articles.
