Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Is Blogging the answer?

So as I continue to mention relentlessy on this Blog, I've been working on a CD portfolio for my friend Rob. It's gotten me thinking about how I too need to start work on a portfolio. Unfortunately, I'm not too great with ideas for one.

A very recent idea for one involved a "blogfolio" or blog-portfolio. It would be cool because I could update it at my own pace, and it would stay as current as possible, while still offering people the opportunity to see old projects.

On another subject, I'm planning on having a better day today than yesterday. If i don't I'm gonna quit my job.


  1. You think blogging is the answer to everything!!!

    I liked that airplane portfolio...use that one!

  2. OK, this is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY off topic. But I don't care. I stumbled upon something that reinforces a point I made in a comment on your blog about 4 months ago, so I'm bringing it up. OK, so not to hash up bad feelings, but the Riders lost the Grey Cup and our kicker missed a field goal in overtime. Well, I went on a rant about how it's not his fault and how great of a kicker he is. Well, today I stumbled upon a song I haven't heard in a long, long time. It's called "The Lonesome Kicker" by Adam Sandler. If you haven't heard it before, I suggest you do so. It states exactly the feelings of the kicker and points out just how unfair the kickers are treated. It's based on NFL, but whatever, it's the same thing. So go listen!!!!!!! And if you have Winamp, there's a video for it in there, so go take a look!!!
