Tuesday, February 08, 2005

And Now a Dip....

Fuck... literally 5 days ago, I was starting to feel good about my life again. Things were going smoothly, occurences were happening to get my life back on track and now comes today.

1 - I don't know when the hell I'm getting a transfer. I was under them impression that it would be next week, but I'm still on the schedule for next week at A&W
2 - Next weeks Schedule is BULLSHIT. Not only will I have to work 8 Days straight to get a day off, apparantly I should have to work 6AM - 9:30PM for two of those days... the boss has got another FUCKING thing coming if he thinks I'm doing that.
3- I check out the management log book today (of which I'm pretty much the only person to use) only to find that several of my notes in the book from Saturday pretaining to the manager and another supervisor have been crossed out and labelled wrong. WHAT THE FUCK! Was I just dreaming that Alex didn't show up for work a second Saturday in a row, because I'm pretty sure he wasn't there.
4- I get home from work and get this message on my machine that I'm to call this 1-877 number. I call it and it's a collection agency. Now there's no one there, so I can't find out what's up, but what the fuck? I don't even OWE ANYONE ANY MONEY!!!! FOR FUCK SAKE!

And to top it all off the outside handle of my car broke inside somewhere, so I can't open my car from the drivers side on the outside. Fuck I hate my life.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww....poor Jeremy. OK, my day was not that shitty. My boss is missing money and claims that she'll take it off the paycheck of whoever was working during the shift. But if she does that with me, she's got another thing coming cause that's fucking illegal. Stupid bitch doesn't know labour laws. But I do!! HAHA!!

    Anyway, only 2 more midterms left for me!!
