Monday, December 20, 2004

What a way to live

So I proposed to Shawna this weekend. I thought she had an idea that I was gonna do that. She didn't.

We've talked it over and we're ok. Like she said, she hasn't said "no" yet, but she does need time to say "yes".

She got me a great acoustic guitar, so now all I need to do is learn some more songs. Being a bass player, I've got two more strings now that I'm not used to... so I'll have to pick up some new songs, suggest some in the comments.

Hope everyone is doing their little part to save the world today!


  1. Anonymous3:30 pm

    This is Shanna...

    I request Classical Gas. Once you can play that no problem, I will admit that you are a good guitar player. Until then, you're nothing!! Well, maybe kinda good, but not awesome. Classical it.

  2. Anonymous7:03 pm

    I'M BORED!!!
