Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Fire and Cleaning house

So we've been working madly all week cleaning our house in preparation for a visit from my family. Despite our best efforts, I'm sure my mom will find something amiss, castrate me and brand me and Shawna pigs for the rest of our lives.

The thought occured to me yesterday to just move all our shit to another house, and burn this one down... it would be easier than cleaning. SO then this morning I wake up and the smoke detector in the apartment next to us is going off.. and it went off for like 45 minutes before I went to work. I just about had my wish come true! We called the landlord and he took care of it... thank God my house didn't really burn down.

I've been using the "Draft" option on this Blog service to write up Blog ideas for later, that way all I have to do it work on it a peice at a time or just finish one if I don't have an idea. I'm liking that, it'll keep me blogging for years to come.

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