Friday, December 10, 2004

RIP Dimebag Darrell

Some fuckin' John Lennon type shit happening here. Former guitarist of metal super-group Pantera was shot and killed Wednesday night seconds after starting a set with his new band. Now I'm not gonna come out here and say "oh I loved Dimebag, Pantera was my favourite band, and "Far Beyond Driven" was the best album ever. I'd be lying and that wouldn't be the thing to do. What I can say is I recognize the tragedy of the taking of a human life. I can say that Dimebag could fuckin' wail. I can say that I might not be such a dick next time one of my metal head friends puts on the "Great Southern Trendkill." I'll give the man the props he deserves and give his music a chance. Not because he's dead, because he's dead too soon.

In less important news, yesterday was the 1 month anniversary of the Blog that is this. I made it a month! Wow. I am updating Pilots world slowly... it should be good... including a new list... Gin and Jams - Songs featuring Gin n' Juice.

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