Thursday, December 09, 2004

I'm not Ready!!! Ahhh!

Dammit. I've got this cool ass webpage idea in the works, but its a bit more work intensive than I thought it would be, but its cool! I'm taking the cover of Queen's News of the world... and making some cool shit happen. Plus I wanna do some work to the Table of Contents and some other cool stuff... it'll be awesome.

So another person I'm related to has a blog. My cuz Levi. Its boring so far, but he'll pick up. Plus I read a hilarious blog this afternoon. His review of random objects KILLS me its hilarious!

So yeah I was gonna do a blof on Tuesday, but I got tired and bored and just skipped out. Sorry folks. Really I had nothing to say anyway.

But anyway, I'm gonna go get more work done on the redesign.

PS/Edit - Ok I got Levi's Blog address wrong.. its fixed now. And I just found out his sister/my cousin Dore (I know I don't have the accent on the "e".. I'm too lazy to figure out how to do it right now). has a blog too. Shanna says she sounds professional. I say she sounds edumakated.

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