Wednesday, December 29, 2004

My new Boss is a Super Chirstian

I mean the guy is crazy about Jesus. I made a joke about my mom saying she lived in Gods country and he took it as an invite to tell me about the gospel. So I just told him that if nobody sinned, we'd never know when we were being good. It actually shut him up pretty quick. I mean honestly ... don't worry about what everyone else is doing, God will take care of them. You take care of yourself, and if a bunch of people don't make it to heaven, well there's more room for you then.

Seriously I think I'm gonna have fun fucking with him. He thinks I'm a saint as it is right now... just wait till he finds out I've been living "in sin" with my girfriend for 6 months... and it looks like I'll be living in sin for many more.

Shawna called me from Weyburn last night. We talked for like 2 hours... we haven't done that since she was living in Saskatoon and I was in Weyburn. Sounds like she had a good Christmas, I can't wait to see her again, this house is pretty empty all by yourself. I wish she wanted to come up for New Years, but she wants to see her family and she doesn't get to see them often, so I guess I can't be greedy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 am

    This is Shanna...

    Just got back from my staff party. It was a blast. Had to drive home, so I had to stop drinking at like 10. I had a lot to drink, but could have drank a lot more. Oh well...someone had to get us all home. Had like a 4 hour uno game though and we all just eventually quit anyway.

    Anyhoo...I've gotta run to the bank's like 1am but whatever, I have to pay the taxi tomorrow morning with something.

    I'll be in Weyburn, so I'll be checking this blog from there. Don't get too lonesome up there...just read America: The Book and you'll forget all your troubles!!
