Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Counting my Loot

No Takers on the BLOG WAR? Oh well

Ok, so I know you're all wondering what I got for Christmas. Well potential theives, here's a full list.

From Santa (mom and dad still insist we do this though we're all over 17 now) - An HP Printer Scanner Copier, Two pairs of thermal socks and some chemical hand warmers.

From Mom and Dad - Some cargo pants (olive drab), some massively oversized polo shirts (moms taking them back for mediums) and some financial help to get my car running again.

From Me - Dog Day Afternoon, a 6 pack of Babybell Cheese

From Michelle - *drool* Ghostbusters 2 soundrack on vinyl LP, Muppets from Space on VHS

From Shanna - Best of Will Ferrel on DVD, The Curious Enlightenment of Professor Cariat by Steven Lukes.

From Andrew - a new Honer "c" Harmonica.

From Shawna - a box full of crap and a brand new acoustic guitar.

Great year, some thoughtful gifts from all... I'll enjoy all of them.

PS ! I almost forgot!
From Katherine at work - A "candycane warmer" tree ornament.

From Shivon at work - A pair of sports socks and a maple tea light candle.

PPS - also forgot
from Shanna I also got - A little "Lucky Bear" care bear... apparantly the fact that I never had a carebear was a major oversight, so she felt the need to rectify the situation.

From the Forer grandparent - $50

From the Pilon Grandparents - $ 20 and some knitted slippers grandma made.

I know I'm spoiled.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    This is Shanna...

    Of course it was a huge oversight!!! It's a carebear!!! And it's cute.

    Anyway, hope you're enjoying America: The Book...but remember, I want it back when you're done!!!
