Sunday, November 28, 2004

Update Day

Ok so I updated Pilots World today. Built up the Radio Call list... I think it's just about done as far as the list goes... now on to part two of that project, which I will describe in a minute. I also put up the "Coke Classics" list, a list of songs about cocaine.

Part 2 of the Radio Call List project is to find webpages or some reference of actual radio stations in Canada with those call letters. (CHUM FM?). I'm going to be doing it slowly myself, if anybody wants to contribute, please send me an e-mail with the link(s).

I also think I'm going to do a redesign of the webpage this afternoon or this week sometime. taking suggestions from my little sister, I agree, I've been on too much of a minimalist movement in my designs of late (check out and for proof). So I'm gonna spice it up a bit. I'm thinking a modern Japanese Look... seeing as how I'm Canadian and our culture comes from stealing from others... or maybe russian.. nah.. Japanese.

Downloaded Danger Mouses "Grey Album" the combination of the Beatles "White Album" and Jay-Z's "Black Album". Very fucking cool. Very. Too bad its illegal as I think it would be a vry successful album. If you wanna break the law, check it out at

PS - Tonight is the last night to vote for you Greatest Canadian on CBC, so make sure you get out there and do it before the polls close.

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