Saturday, November 27, 2004

Aye Carumba!

Ok, so I'm slowly realizing that there might be PEOPLE reading this blog, not just my sister lipping offf all the stupid shit I do in my life. Like spelling off with three f's. So hi there strangers, hows it goin? Leave me a comment, or I'll never know you were here.

Got our Xmas tree in this morning about 30 minutes ago. Now I hafta figure out how to get the damn thing up.... just realized that was dad's job.. and I don't know what I'm doing. It's weird, I'm really excited about this though. I had dreams last night about cutting Xmas trees... and people geting illegal Xmas trees from the forest behind my house. The cops were hunting them down and shit... weird ass dream. And then in a slightly related dream, I got two guns.. a shotgun and a rifle. Being that I'm Canadian, I don't usually have anything to do with guns.. so that was weird. The worst part was I couldn't bring myself to fire it because there were all these cops around hunting tree stealers and I was afraid they'd arrest me for using a gun. Then my mom came over and gave me shit for buying a shotgun, and complimented my good taste in rifles. Man I musta taken some weird shit before going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:16 pm

    This is Shanna.

    Well, I'm glad you got a tree. I was gonna tell you that if you didn't get a tree, I was gonna insist that we all go out in our pjs on christmas morning to open presents undera tree in the forest. Wow that was a long sentence. Anyway, glad you got a tree!!

    Yes, that must have been some strong shit you took. I'm going out with my pothead friends again tonight, but Jackie's coming, so I think we're gonna have a smoking car and a non-smoking car. And then we're going to a movie. Should be an interesting night.
