Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Room

I think that eveyone wants a place to call their own. I certainly can't say that I'm underprivileged in this respect. I have a wall in the garage to store my tools, a corner in the office for my amp and a little desk to pile all the crap I never complete on. Not to mention that I've basically sculpted the kitchen in my image. But these places have never quite added up to the space that I've always wanted.  

But these little corners crammed in amongst the living space I share with my family has never quite met my vision of a space to escape to and be creative. 

I think the first time that I really saw the kind of thing I was looking for was Le Studio, the maker space used by one of my favourite food YouTubers, Alex "French Guy" Cooking. I liked the idea of having two disparate creative spaces in such close proximity - and it had never occurred to me to put a kitchen and workshop together. And I continue to think that maybe it isn't a good idea anyway. I'm not one for sawdust in my macaroni salad. 

But I would love to have a space that is a bit sound/practice studio, a bit workshop, a bit hangout space and a bit office/den. I think I can keep the kitchen where it is. 

In many ways, I could probably make this happen now with the resources I have. As mentioned, I have some space in the garage but there's limitations there. It's not heated so it becomes unuseable for about 5 months a year, especially for a hangout or studio. The basement is a space I could make fantastic use of but the ceiling is shorter than I am and there is a serious shortage of lighting and electrical outlets. 

But of course, I often think about how much I'm flexing my privilege just by wanting a space like this. I'm lucky enough to be a homeowner and that reality alone makes it possible to have the little cubbies I do. Perhaps in time I'll put together some money to update the electrical in the basement or weather proof the garage. And I suppose the biggest thing is figuring out if I could even justify the cost and effort of having such a space. It's one thing to dream about it, it's another altogether to actually find a use for it. 

What kind of spaces would you like to put together like Le Studio? Is it required by law to have a pinball table in it?  

1 comment:

  1. Pinball table isn't required.....but is absolutely wanted. Many you could make one of those shitty homemade pinball tables that has no electronics or score keeping, it's just random dowels in an area and two flippers.
