Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How about a compliment about my wife?

That might be a novel concept at ol' Pilot's World. One of the things I realized today was something my wife doesn't do anymore. Perhaps its because I put my foot down early or perhaps she just realized the folly in her desire.

When we first started going out she was on a fairly regular basis trying to push personal hygene and upkeep products on me. Exfoliating this, puff ball that, milk curd and bee sperm other thing. For a head and shoulders and pure soap guy, this was a little much. Now I DO use the dread soap she pushe on me when I got dreads, but that's because its the only thing that effectively keeps my dreads knotting - even then I opt for the original scent and not her "pertoulie" crap. Oh and she gave me some shave lotion for Christmas, but it was a present and it smells awesome... like freshly grated hippie.

So here's to the wife, the cause of and solution to all my problems.


  1. Anonymous6:50 am

    if there's one thing that could come between katherine and i, it'd be Patchouli...

    i love how wikipedia describes it as being useful for dreadlocks, conditioner, perfume, and ALL-PURPOSE BUG REPELLENT!!!

  2. I still can't get a straight answer on WHAT Patchouli is. I have asked almost a dozen people what patchouli is and NO ONE will tell me.

    I know I could Wiki it, but this is WAY more interesting.
