Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winnipeg is allright - if you like sax0phones

Went to the Manitoba Museum. Not bad as far as museums go. Got to hang and jam with Mark and Blaine, hang with Holly and generally have a fun day. I got the audio interface I've been begging for for three months, so now I'll be a synth-rocking fiend. I can't bloomin' wait!

Of course now I need to buy Blaines bass.

Really enjoyed our stay at the Hampton, the curved shower bar was certainly the highlight their Travelocity Page promised it would be. And getting room 420 was enough of a thrill to make the entire trip worthwhile. Now for packing breakfast and back to the "vag". Nothing good can last... and we're gonna run out of money to stay any longer.

Au revoir Winnipeg!

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