Thursday, November 06, 2008

An Experiment in Cooking

I've been a great lover of cooking since I was a young child. I've experimented with all sorts of recipes, but one area of the culinary world that I've left un-explored was Indian cooking.

So when my wife suggested we start meal planning, I decided to spice it up and try something new. So I found a curry sauce recipe, got some lamb, made some rice and whipped up my pathetic Canadian version of Indian food. But it turned out fairly well. I realized I need to eat more lamb.

Next up.... English food (barf!).


  1. But lamb is so GROSS! It's just not a nice meat. Bleh!

  2. Lamb is good. I'm in withdrawal.

    Funny I just made a curry last night. I would have used lamb but Safeway didn't have any.

    What's the choice for English? Cornish pasties, pork pies, scotch eggs, fish and chips with mushy peas? I recommend a nice steak and ale pie.
