Sunday, October 12, 2008

Voting Strategically 2

Well apparently Elizabeth May is encouraging strategic voting in close races. Wish I knew if my riding was one of the about 60 that she feels we need to vote this way in. Maybe such information will float up in the next couple days.

But then, this is in contrast to her advice only days ago. Now I'm not saying I'm gonna follow her lead explicitly, frankly I still question her skills as a politician.

So the debate rages on.

Think I'll run for the BQ next election. Present! pour la Quebec!


  1. Anonymous6:19 pm

    yup, that pisses me right the fuck off, and here i was praising her for sticking it to the man, it wouldn't surprise me if all of the sudden nobody votes green because they are all voting strategically...

  2. Anonymous6:22 pm

    Then again, i just read this on CBC, apparently it was a misquote, or flip flop depending on how you look at it...
