Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kayah Lily Pilon

Well all, Rhonda had our little baby girl this afternoon. She weighed 6lbs 4oz. I'll put up more info and some pictures in the coming days, but dad is understandably exhausted and needs a bath and coma.

Mom and baby are in perfect health, and I think will be home as soon as tomorrow.


  1. YAY! Congrats! I will come see her when I'm down for Michelle's bridal shower.

    And see YOU I suppose. Although you do smell.

  2. Congratulations! Wish I could be there to meet her.

  3. I'm sure Jeremy can ship her to you for a week Mark. She's pretty tiny, so shipping shouldn't cost that much.

    You'd just have to sign a waiver stating that you'd return her, etc, etc.

  4. Hurrah! Congratulations to you, Rhonda, and Tai! I'm glad everything went well. post pictures soon! (after you're done with the coma and everything of course)

  5. Anonymous7:37 pm

    You haven't figured out how to blog and parent yet? Just kidding. Some never return...
    although one ol' blogger recently did in New Brunswick.

    It was good to see you all out at Mosaic. Perhaps you're good luck, because inside that pavilion I entered a draw and won (the next Wednesday).
