Saturday, August 11, 2007

Looks like I'm gonna be a homeowner

So we got approval on a home mortgage this week. At $120,000 it ain't gonna get us much in the Regina area unless we want to move to a less savoury area of town. I'm half excited about the idea and half upset. I'd like to continue living in the Cathedral area, there's nice people and good atmosphere, but if we decide to move into say the Washington Park area, we can be part of a young crowd who could potentially revitalize and improve the area. Plus we can get a bigger house for cheaper. It's all so confusing. But I am pretty excited about getting my own place.


  1. Buy a mobile home..then you could live in any district!

  2. Anonymous11:46 pm

    Congrats, I went for a slightly more pricy condo, but I think you're right about Washington Park being the steal of the decade, since it will get cleaned up.
