Saturday, July 14, 2007

Good News, Bad News and otherwise

Very good news... Shadow was returned this afternoon. He was found many blocks away, on a leash that was not one of ours. Suspicious to be sure. We're just glad he's home.

Went and joined the sea of green at Taylor Field today. While it was a dissappointing loss, the game had a definite highlight when the guy who was sitting next to me streaked naked across the field after being kicked out of the game. Kudos to you guy, plead not guilty! I feel bad for encouraging him... but only a bit.

Also have had unsubtantiated reports that a musician I studied under in junior high and a mentor of my sisters, Mr. John Griffiths has passed. He will be missed by the music community.


  1. Anonymous9:06 am

    Thanks a lot, seeing that penis was really traumatic for my poor pregnant wife. She thought it looked "Stringy".

  2. Anonymous9:19 am

    congrats... and how come I missed the penis view?? I only got the binocular view of his ass being wrapped up by his Pilsner flag.

  3. Anonymous10:23 am

    The whole west side of the stadium got the penis view, even when he started "thrusting" towards Gainer.

  4. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Alcoholism strikes another one down...


    some more details on the passing of John Griffiths. A wonderful man, he will be missed.

  6. happy birthday Jeremy!
