Friday, July 06, 2007

Dispatches From Live Earth

Hey all, the world-wide concert to promote the dangers and solutions to Global Warming, Live Earth is on right now. You all know the history, if not, check Wikipedia.

So I've checked out a few acts from both the Australian show in Sydney, and the Japan show in Tokyo. Both have had some kickass bands. Rize from Japan was absolutely wicked. Language was no barrier there. I didn't understand a word they said and they were still crazy, crazy charismatic and kickass tight. Great band, check e'm out sometime. they're back on now, they fucking ROCK my balls OFF!

The commecial skits by Rip Torn and Harry Shearer were great, both incredibly funny and incredibly poingant. Never was funny so sad.

Another incredible highlight was Ghostwriters on the Australian show, the definite highlight from the continent nation down under.

More as I can give e'm, work, sleep and a trip to Weyburn will hinder the progress, but life MUST CONTINUE OR THE TERRORISTS WILL WIN! Later y'all.

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