Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It just never ceases to amaze me....

Just about 70 years ago, the United States of America commissioned, built and used a weapon of nearly ultimate power, the atomic bomb.

" On August 6, 1945, 8.15 am, the uranium atom bomb exploded 580 metres above the city of Hiroshima with a blinding flash, creating a giant fireball and sending surface temperatures to 4,000C. Fierce heat rays and radiation burst out in every direction, unleashing a high pressure shockwave, vaporising tens of thousands of people and animals, melting buildings and streetcars, reducing a 400-year-old city to dust."

The country commited a crime of unimaginable horror. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Innocent children and women. Workers, teachers, artists killed without justice or cause.

It just never ceases to amaze me that the nation was never brought to trial. Are we the citizens of the planet Earth so scared of this monster that we will not even rise up together and fucking DO SOMETHING about it. When Hitler killed untold thousands of Jewish, Black, Gay, Mentally Challenged and physically challenged people, the world responded. We stood up for our fellow man and kicked some ASS. Here the Americans are, murderers of likely in the range of a million innocent Japanese people, and we just sit back and go... SHIT that was a BIG mushroom cloud!

Please visit the following page and think about what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If I were to list all the names of all the people would stretch 10km.



  1. Anonymous11:52 am


  2. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Could have something to do with the fact that the word is that they stole the idea for the A Bomb from the Germans. I remembering hearing something about it in History class. Look into if you want to but yeah. They should be punished. Capital punishment rules man, It rules.

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    it is easy enough for the states to get away with it, cause if anyone stood up to them now for anything they would probably plan an attack on any country they damn well pleased, thousands more would die, innocent people, the states will always find an excuse to kill. So i say we burn down their whitehouse again!! Then pretend it wasnt us, muhahaha

  4. Are you really that far out of touch with the reality of the world at that time? The japanese would have fought until the last man in that situation and it ended a war started by them...the enemy.

  5. well sir, I do hope you visit again, because I'd like to be in touch with you and discuss this further.

    I'm in touch with the fact that I do not believe that any war is worth the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilian lives. Hell, I don't even believe in the taking of military lives, I think war is bullshit. But I'm gonna give our world leaders the benefit of the doubt that war is necessary. I still don't think it justifies the mass slaughter of two major cities.

    Should we drop a nuke on Baghdad simply because the war can be won in no other way?

  6. The war can be won without a nuke. All it takes is the will to carry on what we started to its conclusion. It really doesn't matter why we went now that we are there, what matters is how we leave that country. The situation with Japan was a totally different thing and doesn't even compair to Iraq.
