Saturday, January 13, 2007

Must - Buy - Windows - 386

Microsoft sent this tape to retailers to explain the benefits of Windows 386. Boring until the 7 minute mark when the production is taken over by crack-smoking monkeys.

I like that kind of crappy 80's white corporate rap.


  1. Anonymous5:55 pm

    You are one odd duck. How many times have you hit your head now? 20? 30?

  2. Anonymous6:53 pm

    i was extremely disappointed to find NO crack-smoking monkeys at the seven minute mark, just crappy obselete computer talk...and horribly ugly glasses....

  3. Anonymous2:22 pm

    Not to mention ..."Holy Shoulder Pads Batman!!"

  4. Anonymous7:35 pm

    oh my freakin god, i want the last 12 minutes of my life back, i only watched it cause of the crack smokin monkeys part, but it never came jeremy, it never came!!!!
