Monday, January 22, 2007

Can You Name that Compilation?!!?

Ok folks, here's the thing. We're sitting here brainstorming trying to remember the name of an old compilation album from the mid-late 90's. We know for a FACT it had "Detachable Penis" by King Missle on it. We also believe the album to have on it "Say it Ain't So" by Weezer and "Hey Man, Nice Shot" by Filter.

The first person to e-mail me a correct answer to this question (and thus satisfy my aching brain) will recieve two tickets to the Linger album release party slated to happen in late March.

So get on it folks.

Submit answers to This is in ADDITION to the other contest. This is just for free tickets and it's to the album release, not the show on the 16th.

Best of Luck.

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