Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oh Hell I'll do a Meme!

Ok as per the meme on Rhonda's Blog. So all of you can do this too if you want... link back to her!

So it's a positive vibes meme. This week is Pilot declared positive vibes week! So Rhonda has started a meme for it.

Just write down a bunch of things that give you positive vibes.

Link back to Rhonda and comment on her blog that youve posted a meme.

Ok Positive vibes....

- Bootsy... how can you not smile...
- Rhonda - for teaching me to be happy again
- Andrew - more than a brother... a great friend... and motherfuckin' GANGSTA
- Lunchbreak at work with Armin. Makes days the funnest shift at the pool... makes work worthwhile.
- Pickles
- Ice Cream
- Drivin' Roun' the RGC, smokin endo, listenin to Danko Jones (Laid Back)... with my mind on my money and my money on my mind.
- Mini Wheats
- Big Gulps (Super)
- Milk and Cookies
- Pickles
- Neatorama and Boing Boing
- Mom

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